8 Reasons Why Self-help Doesn’t Work

…and one way You can make it work for Yourself

8 min readNov 1, 2020


Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash

I’m a self-confessed self-help junkie. I’ve read everything under the sun about how to improve life, finances, relationships, and even DIY skills (no much success here)

Allegedly, I have made some progress in certain areas but I have the feeling I haven’t fully integrated all this advice into my life.

And that’s a shame.

Where would I be now had I followed all these pearls of wisdom verbatim?

And more importantly, why didn’t I?

Here are some of my excuses:

1. It’s bloody hard

Improving yourself is not easy, you have to break old habits in order to create new ones. Habits are hard to destroy and even harder to create.

Getting up at 5 am, having a cold shower, meditating for 30 mins, fast, listen to a Chinese podcast about ancient literature, then go to work to make friends and influence people, and in the evening work in your side hustle. All that while you follow a strict vegan diet and exercise for one hour a day.

Not easy.

2. Consistency




Author of ´Bitcoin For Mere Mortals´ and ´Bitcoin Para Pobres' available @Amazon. Subscribe and drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy for free