It's technology and not inflation what drives economic growth. If inflation was good we'd be celebrating right now and we are not
Gold's price is 90% due to its store of value capabilities. Its industrial use is minimal and could be replaced by other metals if it went too expensive
Banks are trying to join the crypto revolution because if not they'll be out of business. How this will pan out is not clear yet but I'm not fond of bank's stable coins
Fiat money
Fiat money is dead and even the FED acknowledges this. The fact they are preparing to launch CBDCs is proof. However, CBDCs are really bad for banks (it'll make them redundant) and also for personal freedom. Governments will force people to use them but most will try to find alternatives.
Progress advances despite government regulations in just a few countries. The rest of the world is stuck in poverty due to hyperinflationary currencies, corruption, and inefficiencies. Bitcoin fixes this and lets people keep working without artificial obstacles
Anything requiring cheap and clean energy is promoting renewables. EVs, and Bitcoin are pushing the green agenda
To fund a war $trillions are needed, no nation has that kind of money so they have to print it out. Remove Fiat money and 99% of war would be unaffordable
Miners make plenty of money from mining, transactions are just a plus. When Fiat money goes to zero people can either spend some Satoshis to eat or borrow against it and use it as collateral. Both transactions will keep the miners profitable